Did you know that New Brunswick has around 2,000 hours of sunshine every year, which is comparable to Europe? Why not use this renewable energy on the roofs of our schools, arenas, residences...? The GDDPC installed its first solar system on a community building in 2022.

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Our food facilities use only renewable energy, and sometimes we have too much electricity, so we give it back to the community. The 10.5kW solar system with 28 panels at the Community Root cellar located at Centre 50 in Cocagne generates around 10 MWh per year. The cellar uses no electricity in winter and distributes it to Centre 50.

Enphase software allows us to monitor the production of the solar panels and also informs us of the CO2 emissions saved:

Enphase 2024

A solar project is a highly profitable investment. With a rate of return of between 8% and 12%, installing solar panels is a great way to save money. Did you know that Berlin has decided that new buildings and roof renovations of existing buildings will have to be fitted with photovoltaic panels from January 1, 2023?

We are grateful for the financial support of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the Local Food Infrastructure Fund and the collaboration of Centre 50 and Vertex Solar.

Agriculture and Agri Food Canada logoCentre 50Vertex Solar Logo white background