Ecological planning deals primarily with restoring natural habitats and introducing native plants suitable for the area. For example, riparian zone restoration helps improve aquatic habitats by reducing the amount of nutrients and sediment entering the water, thereby decreasing the effects of eutrophication. The health of natural places contributes to the well-being of the people and wildlife that frequent them. Ecological planning reflects the sustainable development goals of achieving a balance between recreational use and healthy ecosystems.
Initiated by the Pays de Cocagne Sustainable Development Group, the “Ecological Landscaping at the Cocagne Community Centre” aims at restoring the natural environment at the Cocagne community centre, and raising awareness in the community of Cocagne with regards to ecological landscaping and rehabilitation, in order to ensure the health of the wetlands and aquatic ecosystems.

The approach called "Living Shorelines" helps protect coastal and riparian lands against climate change. Most work is done manually with as little mechanical intervention as possible. 

The goal of the Cocagne Watershed Natural Heritage Conservation Project is to ensure the protection and restoration of natural habitats in the Cocagne watershed. The Pays de Cocagne Sustatinable Development Group (PCSDG) accompanies citizens through their efforts to protect natural features of their properties, with a focus on shoreline and riparian areas.

During the public consultations held prior to the incorporation of Cocagne, residents indicated that protecting the environment is a major priority for the rural community. As part of the From Land to Sea project, PCSDG developed a spatially referenced representation of the Cocagne watershed. Project partners clearly identified the importance of having information accessible by making it available in a format that is relevant to and can easily be used by the general population.

Through the GDDPC’s previous projects, we have gathered resources identifying hundreds of species of fauna and flora living in the Cocagne watershed, including birds, insects, and plants. With the help of several key participants in the community, we have a better picture of the rich diversity of species and their habitats, that exist in the Cocagne watershed. 

In our communities, there is more and more discussion about the issue of natural cemeteries and ecological funerals, but the information available is not very exhaustive. The Pays de Cocagne Sustainable Development Group (GDDPC) has been at the forefront of starting this conversation with people in the region on a topic that is sometimes considered taboo. We invite you to browse our resources below, including our Frequently Asked Questions Guide!

Through this program, we monitor water quality in the Cocagne River and estuary. Understanding watershed issues is key to a resilient community. Maintaining the ecosystem services of the Cocagne Bay watershed will help us preserve environmental quality and rich biodiversity.