In 2016, the PCSDG undertook restoration and conservation activities with 10 property owners living in the Cocagne watershed. Images and descriptions are available on PCSDG’s interactive map. Sharing these stories, we hope, will inspire other property owners of the Cocagne watershed to conserve natural features on their property.

As part of the public consultation process undertaken for the incorporation of Cocagne, citizens clearly communicated that environmental protection was a high priority for the community. With the 250th anniversary of the founding of Cocagne being celebrated in 2017, it is an opportune time to assert the conservation of the natural areas of our watershed and the wealth of the ecological properties attributed to them. Ressources listing pertinent conservation programs for landowners in NB will assist citizens in making the right choice.
We recognize and emphasize the traditional ecological knowledge of the Migmag* people as part of this project. The Cocagne Watershed is part of a larger indigenous territory called Migmagi. Traditionally, migemao knowledge of the territory, relating to soil, water, air, flora and fauna, link the protection, conservation and appreciation of nature. The traditional migemao way of life teaches how to respect the environment, in harmony with its fauna and flora, to enable the sustainability and vitality of its species for future generations. Transmission of this knowledge to people in the community is also another method of learning about the impact of water quality on these species and raises awareness in the community about the need to maintain and preserve the land in a sound manner. To do so, a series of learning activities on the conservation and restoration of riparian lands were held. Outcomes were shared in the project final report (French only).
*The use of the form ‘migmag’, different from other forms like ‘mi’kmaq’, for example, reflects the spelling traditionally used by the majority of the migmag communities in New-Brunswick, which is named the Pacifique spelling.

Finally, the project is part of the ARTisticc project, whose objective is to "contribute to the entrenchment of the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities in the definition of coastal adaptation policies that are robust in scientific terms, relevant to the needs of coastal communities and culturally publicized." The project culminates with the gathering of researchers from the 7 participating communities, planned for the month of June 2017 in Cocagne and elsewhere in South-East NB.
This project is realized with the support of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Canada and the Department of Environment and Local Government of New Brunswick.