The approach called "Living Shorelines" helps protect coastal and riparian lands against climate change. Most work is done manually with as little mechanical intervention as possible.
The GDDPC assists in the hands-on workshops conducted by Rosmarie Lohnes of Helping Nature Heal. This Nova Scotia entrepreneur uses materials from nature, advanced science and ecosystem restoration techniques to restore vegetation and stabilize coastlines.
The objective of the workshops is to share Living shorelines methods in the province of New Brunswick. By participating in the workshops, landowners and watershed groups learn more about this approach, which represents an environmentally friendly alternative to riprap.
Watch the video, prepared by the Shediac Bay Watershed Association describing the approaches and practical work undertaken during the workshop, on the PCSDG YouTube page.
Rosmarie Lohnes visits property ownders to advise on methods of naturalizing the banks to control erosion. Watch this video of Rosmarie explaining the work already undertaken with local residents.
By offering a solution that imitates nature, the Living Shorelines approach encourages the conservation of a natural environment, as well as the maintenance of the local ecosystem and its biodiversity. With this approach, we are helping to maintain the coastal and riparian landscapes of New Brunswick which constitute an irreplaceable environmental, social and economic wealth.
Living Shorelines in 2023
The Living Shorelines project builds the capacity of target populations through restoration projects and practical workshops. Living Shorelines demonstrates nature-based solutions to help control erosion, while improving coastal habitats. Rosmarie Lohnes and her team from Helping Nature Heal, experts in the Living Shorelines approach, were consulted to guide restoration work and to lead practical workshops at the Cocagne Community Center.
Collaboration among several organizations in southeastern New Brunswick, including the Shediac Bay Watershed Association and Vision H2O of Cap-Pelé; as well as Nature New-Brunswick and the New Brunswick Environmental Network, ensured the success of coastal restoration work as well as the hands-on workshops.
Three workshops took place as part of the restoration project, on June 27 and 28, October 18 and 19, as well as October 26 and 27, 2023 at the Cocagne Community Park. Approximately 60 participants collectively put in more than 525 hours into the workshops and restoration activities. They contributed to the planting of more than 1000 plants representing more than 30 varieties on an area of approximately 1000 square meters.
The Living Shorelines project in the Cocagne watershed relates to climate change adaptation by encouraging the natural restoration of coastal areas. Adding nature-based structures and choosing native plants reduces sedimentation from storm water runoff, while helping to protect the coast from erosion. With the cooperation of several communities, the GDDPC is continuing the restoration of a site at the Cocagne Community Park to demonstrate the importance of conserving coastal habitats. The Community Park is recognized as an important site for migrating birds, either as a nesting place, or a resting area.
In 2022, knowledge-sharing workshops were held in conjunction with maintenance work in accordance with the measures recommended by Helping Nature Heal. We have extended the naturalization of the rock wall to reach along the playground. Three workshops were held as part of the restoration project, on June 28, August 23 and October 20, 2022. Approximately 40 participants put in over 240 hours collectively towards the restoration activities. They contributed to the planting of more than 400 plants representing more than 15 varieties on a site measuring approximately 250 square meters.
The project was carried out in collaboration with environmental organizations in southeastern New Brunswick, in particular the Shediac Bay Watershed Association and Vision H2O of Cap-Pelé and Nature NB.
For more information, please download the Project Report 2022 (in French)
Living Shorelines in 2021
Collaboration among several organizations on the east coast of New Brunswick has ensured the success of the Living Shorelines programme in Cocagne.
More than 40 people participated in the Living Shorelines workshop on August 26 at the Cocagne Community Park who put more than 250 hours collectively towards the restoration project and contributed to the planting of more than 600 plants, representing more than 30 different varieties of trees, shrubs and perennials. About 1000 square meters of habitat have been restored. More information is available on the GDDPC News page.
An educational video demonstrating the Living Coasts restoration process has been edited and featured on the GDDPC YouTube channel.
A poster demonstrating the various restoration techniques applied to restore several natural areas was designed and printed.
The Living Shorelines project at the Cocagne Community Park has won a Greener Greenspaces recognition award from The Society of Urban Landcare.
Through workshops, visits and communication tools, the project will help citizens of the Cocagne watershed build the capacity to adapt to climate change through the restoration of coastal environments.
For more information, please download the Report 2021: Living shorelines in the Cocagne watershed (in French).
This initiative is made possible through the New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund, New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund, Nature New-Brunswick and several other partners.
This initiative is made possible through the New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund, New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund, Nature New-Brunswick and several other partners.