efficacite energetique full

The link between energy and clean air could not be any clearer: the more energy we consume, the more we produce Greenhouse Gases which cause climate change. It is more efficient to reduce pollution now rather than waste resources in order to clean things up later.

According to NB Power, heating is the largest portion of our energy consumption, and represents about 50% of the annual energy consumption for a medium-size household. Nowadays, thanks to new technology and information, improving our energy efficiency is easy.

With improved energy efficiency of our houses and buildings, we can reduce our consumption and save money while lessening our impact on the environment. More energy-efficient windows, better lighting and heating systems and improved insulation are some of the ways we can make our buildings more energy efficient.

In May 2018, Canada and New Brunswick came together to take action against climate change in our province. A series of investments totalling 243 million dollars were announced to help New Brunswickers modernize their homes, their businesses and their industries to make them more energy efficient.

Details about these programs and incentives are available on NB Power’s website as well as Natural Resources Canada’s website.

While you’re waiting to participate in these energy efficiency programs, you can already take steps to save energy and reduce your Greenhouse Gas emissions.

Here are 10 simple things you can do:

  1. Use natural lighting by opening the curtains, turn off unnecessary lights and replace incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs.
  2. Save hot water by taking shorter showers and turn off the tap when you are shaving or washing your hands.
  3. Reduce the temperature of your water heater by a few degrees.
  4. Unplug electronics to reduce consumption when on standby. Use a laptop as desktop computers use much more energy.
  5. Turn the heat down at night and when you are away from home using a programmable thermostat. Turn the heat down by two degrees and wear a sweater to save money on your heating bill.
  6. In summer, close blinds in order to block sunlight in the afternoon and use the air conditioner only before sleeping to cool your room down.
  7. Avoid using the oven in summer in order to reduce the heat in your kitchen; use a microwave, pressure cooker or a toaster oven instead.
  8. Wash laundry with cold water and hang outdoors to dry.
  9. If you must use a dryer, add a dry towel to your clothes in order to considerably reduce drying time.
  10. Modify the timing of some of your energy consumption to avoid peak hours; for example, use the dishwasher late in the evening rather than during supper time.

Interesting Links

Natural Resources Canada - Energy Efficiency

Conference Board of Canada - Do More With Less. The Potential for Energy Efficiency in Canada

Efficiency Canada - For an Energy Efficient Economy

Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors -Homeowner Guide to Energy Efficiency

New Brunswick Energy Efficiency Programs

Save Energy - NB Power