Let's take care of our land of plenty!

The Pays de Cocagne Sustainable Development Group's (GDDPC) mission is to engage citizen participation towards the sustainability of communities of Beausoleil, Maple Hills and Champdoré located in the Cocagne watershed.
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Let's protect our wetlands!

Encourage and collect observations of plants, birds, mammals and all other forms of life in the Cocagne river watershed (Pays de Cocagne).
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Let's count on ecology

Ecological planning deals primarily with restoring natural habitats and introducing native plants suitable for the area.
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Community action

Citizens of Cocagne recognize the importance of community mitigation and adaptation measures in the face of climate change.
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By taking care of the environment, we take care of ourselves

Developing activities and partnerships in the Cocagne watershed to promote an understanding of sustainable development respectful of nature, food, culture, economy and social justice.
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The GDDPC has developed an environmental education program through outdoor learning for youth in Southeastern New Brunswick.
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Let's take care of our land of plenty!

The Pays de Cocagne Sustainable Development Group's (GDDPC) mission is to engage citizen participation towards the sustainability of communities of Beausoleil, Maple Hills and Champdoré located in the Cocagne watershed.
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IMG 3570

January 10, 2019

Grande-Digue - Citizens and resource persons met on December 4, 2018 at Notre Center de Grande-Digue to contribute to the development of public consultation for a climate change adaptation plan for the Cocagne watershed.

IMG 3584

Several citizens attended the consultative meeting, accompanied by representatives of various organizations, for example the LSD Advisory Committee of Grande-Digue, the rural community of Cocagne, the emergency planning committee of Cocagne, the Department of Geography from the Université de Moncton, as well as the natural resources and transportation departments of the Province of New Brunswick. The participants were grouped into small teams, which facilitated discussion and sharing. Using maps illustrating predictions of sea-level rise, participants identified several flood-prone locations and prioritized the most vulnerable locations. These include bridges, wharves and certain roads, as well as septic tanks, buildings and natural marshes.

Participants identified vulnerable people, such as seniors and newcomers. They discussed adaptation strategies, such as preserving the natural coastline, raising bridges, and improving water and food supply sites in an emergency. Finally, participants discussed communication strategies to better inform and engage the general public. The use of traditional media such as radio, newspapers and the community newsletter was mentioned. In order to reach young people, social media like Facebook and Twitter should be used.

The results of the consultative meeting will help guide the public consultation process that will follow in the spring of 2019. The development of a climate change adaptation plan for the Cocagne watershed is made possible through funding from the Trust Fund for environment of New Brunswick..

The PCSDG aims for a holistic and sustainable development of our territory and offers opportunities for citizens to manage their environment. The PCSDG acts as a catalyst for the sustainable development of our community. It puts together programs to improve the quality of the environment and the quality of life for the residents of the Cocagne River Watershed.

More information on the project here.
logo cocagne     Logo UdeMonctonCapture CSRKlogo FFE

Upcoming activities

March 6, 2025 - Seed Swap

Spring is just around the corner!

Are you thinking of starting a garden this year? Do you have all your seeds for this year?

The Groupe de développement durable du Pays de Cocagne and the In Gardino gardening club of Grande-Digue invite you to a seed exchange on March 6, 2025. This year, it will take place at the Saint-Antoine community center, 4556 rue Principale, suite 200, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. In the event of a storm, the event will be postponed to March 13 at the same time and place.  At the start of the seed exchange, there will be a short presentation on our new seed library project for the region.

Please note that your seeds must be identified in advance by family name, variety and year of harvest. For those who don't have seeds to exchange, a $5 fee will be charged.

We look forward to seeing you, and to the chance to win door prizes!

Pays de Cocagne Sustainable Development Group team

Latest News

Nature Summer jobs - Join GDDPC's team

January 10, 2025

Cocagne -
The GDDPC invites young people between the ages of 15 and 30 to join its team for the beautiful field season from May 12 to the end of August 2025.
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Educational program

Action and education in Southeastern New-Brunswick
Educational program

Living shorelines

Natural protection of coastal and riparian lands
Living shorelines

Seeds for life

Directory of organic, non-GMO, heritage or heirloom seed suppliers
Seeds for life

Cocagne Country Colors

Cultivate, responsibly harvest and transform natural dyes in the Cocagne watershed
Cocagne Country Colors

Tree swallow nest boxes

Tips for building and maintaining your own nest box
Tree swallow nest boxes

Natural burial

A question and answer guide to planning a natural funeral and burial.
Natural burial

What is the Pays de Cocagne Sustainable Development Group

In 2024, the Pays de Cocagne Sustainable Development Group (GDDPC) celebrates 25 years of community engagement. We celebrate the richness of biodiversity and abundance in Pays de Cocagne, where every individual action
contributes to a healthy environment in which people can thrive. Over the years, our community projects have cultivated values of self-sufficiency and ecological responsibility. Many volunteers are actively involved in the well-being of the region. Taking care of the environment means taking care of ourselves!

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Take action

The key to community ownership of development is the participation of all its members. We want your input, your feedback and above all your participation!
Become a member  Make a donation